“It is better to prevent bad habits than
to break them” -Ben Franklin
The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University reported that effects and consequences of substance abuse and addiction cost federal, state and local governments no less than $467.7 billion. Regardless of this reality, less than 2% of funding went towards preventive efforts. In his fiscal year 2010 budget request, President Obama recommended eliminating the entire State Grants portion of the Safe and Drug– Free Schools and Communities (SDFSC) program. His budget also proposes adding $100 million to the National Programs portion of SDFSC for competitive grants to LEAs. This new program would result in a limited number of Local Education Agencies (LEAs) being funded.
According to
Washington State Institute for Public Policy Report: Benefits and Costs of Prevention and Early Intervention Programs for Youth, September 2004, evidence-based prevention programs are cost effective ways to diminish the prevalence of unhealthy behaviors and choices, not just in our youth but our communities as a whole. Estimates on the dollars saved for every dollar spent for Model programs in New York State range from $7.82 to $55.84.
Multi-strategy approaches that include environmental, cultural, and community competences have proven to be most successful in reducing alcohol and drug use in our youth. Coalitions serve as a voice of the community that is heard best through their actions. Community coalitions invoke the passion, energy, intelligence, resources, and mutual investment of all members of a community.
Your community could be your street, your school, your town or your county. No community or group is too small to make a difference. Coalitions work to decrease an area’s risk factors while increasing the protective factors by addressing environmental and cultural needs.
· Build a voice for the community
· Require diverse ideas and skills
· Focus on changing policies, practices, and systems
“A community systems approach influences the community
population rather than the individual.”
-National Coalition Institute’s Research Into Action